What are Some Natural Ways to Come off of Drugs That I’ve Taken for Anxiety and Depression?
Many patients may treat their anxiety and depression with antidepressants, psychotics, and benzodiazepine but are curious about how to come off of these medications. Coming off of these drugs is a challenge, not just because of the withdrawal effects, but these drugs may cause a long-term imbalance in neurotransmitters and hormones, causing brain deficiencies. Please note that you should never try to wean yourself off of a prescription medication without a doctor’s supervision.
These drugs sometimes also cause intestinal dysbiosis (imbalance) with overgrowth of bad bacteria and candida, which leads in the long run to malabsorption, and not producing enough neurotransmitters and vitamins (as the majority are produced in the gut by the protective bacteria).
Many experts believe that, when one suffers a depressing episode or anxiety, it needs to be supported with counseling, nutritional approach, lifestyle modification, botanical medicine, neurotransmitters and hormonal balance.
To support the recovery from addictive drugs, one more natural approach is to reset the neurotransmitters with orthomolecular therapy, heal the gut, balance hormones, and nourish the brain. Good support includes a combination of amino acids, plants and therapy. Building a better brain is possible and finding happiness is a process that involves mental transformation with a change in brain biochemistry.
This article is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. Please see your physician for what treatment plan works best for you.