Why Should I Get Hearing Aids if I'm Hearing What I think I Need to Hear?
You just found out you have hearing loss and hearing aids were recommended, but you decided you don't need the hassle. You aren't alone. Twenty-four million people need hearing aids and don't have them. But, are you really hearing what you need to hear? If you regularly or even occasionally take care of your grandchildren, your hearing challenges might be putting them in danger.
Taking care of children is hard at best and caregivers need to be vigilant about the environment to make sure they are safe. The risk of not hearing a smoke detector, an intruder, or a child crying could result in injury and, at worst, could prove fatal. Kids are clever and like to wander, so it is very important that grandparents can hear what they are up to and help avoid tragedy, particularly if there is a pool nearby.
So, maybe you hear what you think you need to hear. But do you hear what your grandchildren need you to hear? Make sure this is part of your decision-making process when considering hearing aids. Grandparents are always saying that having grandkids is almost better than having their own children. Make sure you are enjoying every minute with your grandchildren while also assuring that they are safe.