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- Proverbs 3:5-6
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Sun Lakes Rotary Donates 400 Refillable Water Bottles for San Marcos Students to Stay Hydrated Without Water Fountains
By Lisa Padilla - Friday Aug 21, 2020
In response to the decision to shut off water fountains at San Marcos Elementary School out of concern of spreading COVID-19, Sun Lakes Rotary has donated 400 refillable water bottles to the school to ensure that all students can stay hydrated.

“San Marcos Principal Becky Henderson let Rotarian Terrie Sanders know that water fountains at the school would be shut off because of COVID concerns,” said Sun Lakes Rotary President Jon Lyons.

Sanders, who coordinated the Sun Lakes Rotary-sponsored Closet at the school, joined Lyons in delivering the bottles, each carrying the Sun Lakes Rotary Club logo, to Henderson.

“It’s a tremendous comfort for us to know that our students will have access to water because of this truly generous donation,” Henderson said. “Each student will decorate their bottle with their names and any designs they like.”

According to the website, “children need the same amount of water as adults: about one quart for every 1,000 calories they expend.” Having access to water is particularly important during Arizona’s brutal summer months.

In addition to the health benefits of hydration in children, a recent study in the Journal of Nutrition reported that “increasing water intake to 2.5 liters per day during four days significantly improved cognitive flexibility compared to low water intake (0.5 liters per day) in children.” Previous studies have suggested that “insufficient hydration is associated with poorer short-term memory in children,” according to the website

“We are very grateful for this effort,” Henderson said. “Keeping our children safe and healthy during this very difficult time is our top priority.”

Currently, Sun Lakes Rotary holds weekly Tuesday meetings for its more than 80 members through Zoom, alternating between morning (7 a.m.) and evening (5 p.m.)

For more information about Sun Lakes Rotary, visit http://www.sunlakesrotary.comor Facebook.


Sun Lakes Rotary Club, chartered on April 22, 1986,is a leadership organization made up of men and women from local businesses, professional, education, civic and emerging leaders. We meet regularly, get to know each other, form friendships, and through that we’re able to get things done in our greater Sun Lakes community. Among the projects supported by Sun Lakes Rotary are education through schools in the Chandler Unified School District literacy through the Dolly Parton Imagination Library and water access and sustainability through the Navajo Nation Water Project. Come join us and share our passion for community service and friendship by visiting or Facebook.

By Steve Carr