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Rocky Mountain Emmys to Host First-Ever Virtual Event
By Lisa Padilla - Thursday Jul 30, 2020
The Rocky Mountain Southwest Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences will host its first-ever virtual event on Saturday, September 19 at 6:30 p.m. Mountain Standard /7:30 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time to honor outstanding television professionals in Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and El Centro, California with the prestigious Rocky Mountain Regional Emmy Award honoring excellence in broadcasting. Nominees will be announced in mid-August.

The first Rocky Mountain Emmy Awards was held nearly six decades ago in 1962 and has recognized many accomplished individuals and organizations in a variety of categories including sports, weather, education, politics and business. Due to the current pandemic, this year's event will be a live-streamed experience through the new Emmys app that is available in the App Store for Android or iOS as well as Google Play. People will also be able to stream it on the chapter website and Facebook page.

"This year, due to the Coronavirus Pandemic and in an abundance of caution, we are following best practices and advice from health experts making the 43rd Annual Rocky Mountain Emmy Awards a totally virtual experience," said Doug Mummert, President of the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences' Rocky Mountain Southwest Chapter. "We will go above and beyond to honor our nominees and recipients and make it as special as possible for all of them, as well as their fans, friends and families. We are excited for this fresh, new way to honor excellence in broadcasting in the region in such an important year."

The Student Production Awards will also take place virtually that same weekend. The event recognizes outstanding high school and college television producers and journalists. Students will receive awards in a variety of categories including newscast, music video, fiction and nonfiction, sports program, talent and commercial.

KOB-TV's "Safe Start New Mexico" program will be honored as this year's Governor's Award recipient for its success in protecting the area's diverse communities during COVID-19. The Albuquerque-based station built the platform to connect businesses, organizations and consumers to discuss best practices for staying safe and aiding in economic recovery during the pandemic. The free portal was designed to be accessible to provide even the smallest and hardest-hit businesses with these critical resources.

"We are grateful to be recognized by the Rocky Mountain Chapter of NATAS for our efforts to help our community to economically survive this pandemic," said Michelle Donaldson, KOB Vice President & General Manager. "In the face of an evolving pandemic threat, Project Safe Start New Mexico empowered our businesses to communicate directly with consumers about safety measures and changes. It empowered our community to make informed decisions about whether to engage in commerce, and what to expect."

"This project at KOB Channel 4 in Albuquerque is exactly the type of campaign that the Governors' Award was created to honor," Mummert said. "It's a shining example of a television station reaching into the community they serve in a time of need, with tireless creativity and compassion."

For more information about the Rocky Mountain Emmy(r) Awards and to get the latest details on the upcoming virtual event, visit

About National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Rocky Mountain Southwest Chapter

NATAS is a professional service organization dedicated to the advancement of the arts and sciences of television and the promotion of creative leadership for artistic, educational, and technical achievements within the television industry. The Rocky Mountain Southwest Chapter, formed in 1959, represents Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming, and El Centro, Calif.

By Liz Renninger