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- Proverbs 3:5-6
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Plexus Worldwide Holds Fifth Annual 5K “Chek It Walk” to Raise Awareness about Breast Cancer
By Lisa Padilla - Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Plexus Worldwide (Plexus), a leading direct-selling wellness company, brought together people from across the world for their annual 5K “Chek It Walk,” which raised $10,000 USD for Cancer Support Community Arizona. From January 4 through January 6, the Scottsdale-based business rallied 888 participants who together reached a total of 10,581,743 steps. The money was donated to Cancer Support Community Arizona, whose mission is to nurture an environment that enhances the atmosphere of healing and support for anyone impacted by cancer.

“As an advocate of Cancer Support Community Arizona, we were proud to see so many people from our global community join the virtual 5K charity walk for such an important campaign,” said Alec Clark, Co-Founder and President of Plexus Worldwide. “Raising awareness for such a great cause helped us reach our goal and, in turn, helped this wonderful organization that does so much for this community.”

Due to COVID-19, Plexus’ annual walk was virtual this year, allowing participants to choose their own route on their own time, as long as they logged their progress. The event was also used to promote Plexus’ ‘Breast Chek Kit,’ (available in the U.S.) the company’s first wellness product, which uses a tool called “sensory touch magnification” to improve the effectiveness of breast self-exams, which are encouraged for early detection of breast cancer.

“We were thrilled to partner with Plexus during this event since their company’s purpose has always been to spread health awareness and wellness, a core belief of Cancer Support Community Arizona as well,” said Debbie DiCarlo, CEO of Cancer Support Community Arizona. “Through this donation, we can continue to provide programs and support those affected by this terrible disease.”

Cancer Support Community Arizona says they will use the Plexus donation towards their programming to offer in-person and online support to those affected by cancer. Learn more at

About Plexus Worldwide:

With hundreds of thousands of independent business owners (“Ambassadors”) worldwide, Plexus is among the world’s 30 largest direct sales companies. The combination of Plexus products and opportunities help individuals to meet their financial goals. For more information, visit

Provided by Jeff Davidson