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"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."
- Proverbs 3:5-6
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By Lindsay Hansen - Thursday Oct 13, 2022
The Greater Phoenix Chamber is proud to announce the launch of our new podcast, Let's Talk Business Phoenix, with host Todd Sanders, President and CEO. In the first episode, released on Wednesday, October 12th, hear the latest from Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego with updates on Super Bowl 2023, GO Bond, police funding, Rio Reimagined, and TSMC progress.

Upcoming episodes this Fall/Winter include:

- Dr. Michael, Crow, President of ASU

- Jim Rounds, President of Rounds Consulting Group, Inc.

- Mike Huckins, Vice President of Public Affairs at the Greater Phoenix Chamber

- Jessica Pierce, Founder and CEO of Career Connectors

- Jennifer Mellor, Chief Innovative Officer of Greater Phoenix Chamber Foundation

- Brittany Holmes, Vice President of ElevateEdAZ

- Frank Reid, Sr. Manager, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona

- T.J. Mitchell, Financial/Business Attorney at Jennings Haug Keleher McLeod LLP, Chair of Valley Young Professionals

New podcast episodes will be released on The Greater Phoenix Chamber’s website, Apple Podcast, and Spotify on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. In each episode, we tackle important issues and subjects affecting businesses, our community, and Arizona today. Through relevant, timely topics, this podcast serves as the business community's voice with the mission of championing business growth, identifying problems that restrict economic development, and convening community leaders to move Phoenix forward.

Greater Phoenix Chamber
Representing 2,400 businesses across the Greater Phoenix region, the Greater Phoenix Chamber promotes regional prosperity by serving as a catalyst for economic vitality and strong communities. The Chamber pursues this mission by collaborating with business, political and community leaders to grow the regional talent pool, create a regional approach to economic development, and drive a pro-Arizona agenda.


@phxchamber | @gpcpolicy | @phxchamberfound | |

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