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Frustrated Dieters Turned Entrepreneurs Now Satiating Keto Devotees Worldwide
By Merilee Kern - Monday Mar 16, 2020
Frustrated Dieters Turned Entrepreneurs Now Satiating Keto Devotees Worldwide

We’ve all been there: searching the internet ad nauseam for health and wellness information only to find ourselves tens of hours (or worse) deep in a digitally-induced rabbit hole with a cobbled-together mélange of information—much of which from sources we no longer remember and cannot confidently trust.

For then would-be dieters Rami and Vicky Abrams, this joyless journey to find ketogenic diet (keto)-specific information morphed into a complete chore—finding and then parsing through one website after another, amassing a piecemeal patchwork of resources. As many start-up entrepreneurs are known to do, they collectively lamented, “there HAS to be a better way!”

With this, the Abrams’ considered the multitude of challenges they had faced and used that ideation to launch—a truly one-stop-shop for everything related to the keto diet. Today, this centralized portal includes automated meal planning tips, thought leadership-rich blog posts, an array of useful products, educational books and cookbooks and more.

The Abrams have amassed an incredible audience, garnering over five million visitors to Tasteaholics last year and over two million downloads for their “Total Keto Diet” app! In addition to, the couple has authored the bestseller, Keto Diet for Dummies, as well as a hugely popular series of cookbooks called Keto in Five. They also own and operate So Nourished, Inc., a company dedicated to creating quality low-carb products, including sugar replacements, low-carb brownie mixes, pancake mixes, syrups and more.

Their Total Keto Diet app is going gangbusters; in fact, it’s now the No. 1 keto app in the Android store. Of course, they continue to expand upon the app with robust and dynamic custom meal plans; macronutrient and calorie tracking and other useful features while also developing new and exciting products to please keto dieter palates.