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"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."
- Proverbs 3:5-6
February 2025
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Inner Child Series
Michele Meyer, will Journey with you as you gain greater clarity of your behaviors, feelings, and thoughts.

Have you heard of the Inner Child and have no idea what it is? Have people suggested Inner Child work to you but you have avoided it or have fear around it? This series will build an amazing foundation to begin doing the work.

For those of you who have experienced inner child work, this series will help put some puzzle pieces together and clear up the confusion you may be feeling in your life.

You will understand where the inner child comes from and how they are formed.
You will learn how the brain develops in childhood for those who experience trauma.
You will gain an understanding of Complex PTSD and its long-term effects.

This series builds upon itself and is a closed group. Both women and men are invited to attend.
You will gain clarity and awareness you have not experienced before.

(480) 594-0949

10309 N Scottsdale, Rd,
Scottsdale AZ 85253.