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"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."
- Proverbs 3:5-6
January 2025
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Discoveries made in science during the Renaissance era not only changed the world but continue to influence modern-day society.

The SciTech festival is a proud presenter of the Arizona Renaissance Festival’s Age of Discovery STUDENT DAYS, February 25 & 27 9 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Explore the Festival’s thirty-acre, sixteenth-century European Village. Roam the streets and pathways where you can talk to the Queen! Or Shakespeare, Galileo or Medici! Observe in awe, as artisans craft their wares using scientific techniques, demonstrating blacksmithing, glassblowing, shoemaking, weaving and so much more. Go to the CROFT-Local Yokel Village and watch aspects of chemistry at work in the daily chores of 16th-century life. Speak to Da Vinci about his sketches, technical drawings, or pose as Mona Lisa would have-showing your Mona Lisa smile. Why not try DaVinci’s people-powered rides? Feast Hall exhibitors from a variety of Arizona organizations that will leave you in awe with their hands-on educational displays.

There is SO MUCH to Explore! Learn about what Arizona was like in the 16th Century! Learn about navigational tools used such as the astrolabe, map making and other non GPS methods used during the Renaissance.

Enjoy, explore and be entertained as you make your way through our village’s thirty acres of hands-on learning; fourteen stage theatre, an arts and craft fair, jousting tournament and so much more! Do not miss this unique experience! HUZZAH!

To attend Student Days place your order at
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By Sanja Malinovic