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"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."
- Proverbs 3:5-6
March 2025
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How Men Can Make More Time for Family
When analyzing the role of men in the household, it is clear that those roles have changed over the years. Data from the American Time Use Survey and the Pew Research Center reveals that in 2011 men were spending more than double the amount of time performing household duties than they were in 1965.

Despite that, many men still feel they are not spending enough time with their children. Professional commitments keep many men from spending ample time with their kids. While it may not be realistic for most fathers to walk away from their careers, there are steps men can take to make more time for their families.

Don't overextend yourself at the office

Fathers who can't say no at the office might be legends in the boardroom, but that willingness to take on extra work could be cutting into the time they spend with their families. Learn to delegate more at the office, taking on only what you can handle in a normal day's work.

Turn off the television

After a long day at the office, it can be tempting to come home and unwind in front of the television. That time on the couch is valuable time that could be spent connecting with your family. While bonding over a favorite movie or television show can bring families closer together, keeping the television on as background noise during dinner or other times of the day can make it harder for families to connect and share meaningful conversation. Turn the television off when eating dinner and work to reduce the time you and your family spend in front of the TV.

Leave the office at a set time every day

The demands of a successful career can be significant, and many fathers admit to sacrificing family time for the sake of their careers. It's possible to have a successful career and still spend more time with your family. One trick is to leave your office at a reasonable time every day, regardless of work demands. Making it home for family dinners each night can have a profound impact on your children. Technology has made it possible to stay connected to your work even when you aren't in the office, so you can always get things done at home after dinner with your family while the kids are doing their homework.

Stop working on weekends

Men who travel often for business or those who simply cannot get away from the office on weeknights should reserve their weekends for time with the family. Don't take your work home with you on the weekend and don't check your email until you go back to work on Monday. Work-related distractions, such as checking your email on your smartphone, can take away from the time you have with your family.