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- Proverbs 3:5-6
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Thyroid Disease: Five Telltale Signs & Steps You Should Take
Thyroid disease is a nationwide epidemic. It is lurking in the midst of millions of people, mostly women over age 50 and a large cause for many feeling horrible. A thyroid can be over-functioning, which is called hyperthyroidism, and more typically, under-functioning, which is known as hypothyroidism, or low thyroid. Hypothyroidism is much more common and presents with a wide range of signs and symptoms. Here are some of the most typical key signs and symptoms:


Debilitating low energy. An inability to get started in the morning or getting out of bed can be one of the first signs. This is normally accompanied by a lack of motivation and zest for life. The fatigue normally is not relieved and stays this way throughout the day. The thyroid is the main endocrine organ that regulates the metabolism through thyroid hormone. If it’s low, you are slow!


Assuming a relatively normal diet and water intake, chronic constipation and bowel disturbances could be a key sign that your thyroid is underactive. Since the thyroid increases the metabolism of the body, it also increases the ability of the gastrointestinal tract to function properly. When the thyroid is low, everything is slowing down.

Body-wide muscle and joint pain

As we get a little older, it is common to have a few more aches and pains, but diffuse muscle and joint pain to a larger extreme could be due to low thyroid function. Thyroid hormone increases the ability of muscle and joint tissue to remain loose and active.

Poor memory and an inability to focus

Thyroid hormone is responsible for maintaining proper brain function on a multitude of levels. When low, basic thinking is “foggy,” as if a veil of confusion is draped over you. Forgetting where you put your keys or not being able to get that word from your brain to your mouth could be an indicator.

Unexplained depression

Unfortunately, there are many people with depression; that if properly diagnosed could be helped by the proper use of thyroid hormone medication. The diagnosis of low thyroid remains elusive for so many with chronic depression. Know that there is always hope.

What can I do about it?

Talk to your doctor and get diagnosed! A basic blood test utilizing the TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) is the first step towards diagnosis for most doctors. However, this test is not always effective at making a proper diagnosis and has resulted in millions going untreated and ignored. Consider an alternative approach and second opinion if you still believe that a low thyroid may be why you are feeling the way you do. If you are already on synthetic thyroid medication and your symptoms are not helped, then consider natural forms of thyroid medication. Licensed naturopathic physicians have the ability to diagnose and treat a low thyroid using alternative and more holistic considerations.

By Dr. John A. Robinson, author of The Hormone Zone